1907 | March | ![]() Birth of an Engine Manufacturing company
The foundation of industrial modernization of Japan was established in the latter half of the Meiji era. Industrial revolution progressed at a rapid rate during the following years, but products made domestically were still inferior compared to its western counterparts. To overcome this situation, the leaders of Japan saw the need to produce more industrial machinery domestically to promote advancement in techonogy. In this effort to grow as a country, a great need for prime movers (motors) arose. It was under these circumstances that the HATSUDOKI MANUFACTURING Co., LTD (HATSUDOKI=engine) was founded in March 1, 1907 in Osaka, Japan.The company engaged exclusively in the manufacture of suction gas engines for the next 15 years. |
1922 | April | ![]() Starting Manufacture of Super Diesel Engine
Although the world economy was in depression, the demand created from the World War kept the industrial modernization on track. Engines got bigger and more powerful, and at the same time demand for compact engines from small businesses grew as modernization took place.
To take advantage of this growing demand, our first compact engine was manufactured with technical cooperation from R. M. Bit Corporation based in Chicago. With its unconventional fuel injection system, the engine became a big success, earning reputation for its simplicity and ease of operation. |
1951 | December | ![]() The Company Name Changed to "Daihatsu Motor Co.,Ltd"
By this time, there were numerous other companies that were producing Diesel engines. To identify engines made by HATSUDOKI MANUFACUTURING CO., LTD., our customers started to refer to our engine with the nickname DAIHATSU" (DAI=Osaka, HATSU=engine). During this time, the company expanded its product range and started the manufacture of vehicles amongst other products. Since the company was now manufacturing products other than engines, the name HATSUDOKI MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. was changed to DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. on 19th DECEMBER 1951. |
1966 | May | ![]() Inauguration of Daihatsu Diesel Co.,Ltd
After years of business diversification,it was decided to separate the Osaka business division of DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. into another company that world specialize in its business operation. The company was named DAIHATSU DIESEl MFG.CO., LTD. and was started with a capital of 1 billion yen and 930 employees. The new company started with the aim to manufacture various internal combustion engines, equipment for vehicles, door closers, and construction machinery. |
1969 | August | ![]() Construction of Moriyama Factory
The because of its old facilities, the Osaka factory became inadequate to meet the need for increased production. Also, a dense metropolis like Osaka was becoming an inappropriate place for a factory to operate. It was therefore decided to move the factory to a new location. That location was Moriyama city in Shiga prefecture. The project for construction of this new factory was advanced under three mottoes: "A modern factory capable of high quality and high productivity", "A model factory for the environmentally conscious", and "To care for the local society and community". The construction work for Moriyama No.1 factory commenced on November 1969, and was completed on July 1977. This was followed by Moriyama No.2 factory, which started operation after it was completed in 1979. |
1990 | September | ![]() Construction of New Umeda City and Transfer of Head Office
A development project embracing the site of our former Osaka Factory, which had been sold to Sekisui House Co., Ltd., and the lands required for Toshiba Co., Ltd. and Aoki Construction was being planned, and our company also decided to participate in this enterprise, which has been started in March, 1990. This project has been fully completed in the spring of 1993, and the space of the finished project was designated as New Umeda City. It was really a creation of an epochal urban space. Subsequent to our participation in this project, we transferred our Head Office to the present location at Tokui-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city in September, 1990. |
1994 | January | ![]() Acquisition of ISO9001 Accreditation Our company's QC system was concurrently started with the establishment of the company, as being initiated through the entire company movement of QC-ZD.The acquisition process of official accreditation to QC requirements has proceeded as follows:
And, it acquired attestation of conformity to ISO9001 (International Standardization Organization: Quality System Standard) from British LRQA in January, 1994. |
1996 | May | ![]() Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Founding Our Company This company has experienced a variety of the vicissitudes since its separation of and independence from Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. in 1966. Over the initial decade, the company's foundation was formed, during which we could enjoy favorable development, but thereafter we were afflicted with continuous hardships, undergoing the low growth age resulting from the Oil Shocks, and in 1966 the raid of marine and shipbuilding slumps and abrupt change to high yen exchange rates have undermined our growth. From 1990 to the present, the management of our company was finally driven onto the route of recovering the financial balance to the black through renovation of company constitution, thereby working its way to resumption of the dividends. Then the company has at last become able to ride on a basic recovery wagon, and could celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of our company in May, 1996. |
2005 | July | ![]()
Our company moves the head office to the ground of establishment industry Daihatsu. |
Company Information